It's been awhile since I've posted a stone (sorry, life got a little hectic, and I just started university...) But I figured that today was as good a day as any to re-start my little stone project. -- Today I saw an old friend (my former boss) and for some reason I got really inspired by seeing her. I think it was because she is living her dream, and being that I have changed (grown up) since we had worked together, I saw her in a whole new light -- A light in which I became really inspired by...
This woman is living the life that many people would be afraid to live. (As she gave up the "pop culture" world of trends and money for the life she lives now, as an artisan is Peru...) -- I respect her immensely for taking that leap, and finding her happiness. I respect her for not being blinded by money, and realizing that there is far more to life then making and spending piles of money.
So many people are blinded by the 'dirty paper that makes the world go round', so when I encounter somebody who isn't, I am inspired and realize that the richest people are those who are not consumed with wealth...
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