Today's stone holds a lot of meaning to me. -- I think the meaning of this stone is so very important, as I know that I have (on more then one occasion) let someone --A boyfriend, friend, family member -- be my main priority (Or, main focus) in life, while settling for being their option (putting all of their needs and desires before my own...) Being this person always left me with a poor sense of self esteem and self worth, as I always felt so inadequate and unhappy.
I see many people that I know doing this to themselves, and I can't help but feel empathy towards them. I remember all to well the pain and agony of feeling as though I was never good enough, smart enough or pretty enough. I lacked any sort of self respect, as all of my energy was directed towards somebody else...
It wasn't until recently that I realized this about myself. It was a hard self discovery, and it took me a little while to adjust to a new (better) way of thinking. However, once I realized that anyone (mate, friend, family) worth being a priority in my life would hold me in the same respect as I held them, something inside of me changed and it's almost as though I became alive again...
I guess what I am trying to say here, is that anyone who says that they love or care about you would never let you be second rate to them.
That's just the simple truth of it all.
Note: I am at school right now, in the library...I placed my stone on a bench today (about an hour ago) When I placed the stone, I was so nervous that someone was going to see me, and "catch me" doing this -- low and behold, nobody did. -- But the funny thing that I just realized, is how much excitement I get out of placing these stones...I often wonder is someone will find it, and it will actually make their day, or shed some insight into their lives somehow...
I guess to some people, it's just a painted rock, but I am ALWAYS so curious about the people that find my stones, and if the stone made any impact at all...
I found this stone...it seemed a pretty relevant message to me AND my roomate. We both re going through situations to which the quote pertains...it kind of frustrated us, because it's not something that either of us wanted to hear...true as it is.
I can understand the frustration...
I know that the message on the stone you found isn't really a 'pretty one'...However, it's good to know that you can see that it pertains to you as hard as it might be...Many people live in denial, and thus have unhappy lives (or portions of life) with people that just aren't worthy of them...
Although I have no idea who you are, I am glad that you realize that this is happening, because only then (when you realize this) can you change it...
I wish you all the best, and hope that everything works out for you and your roommate!!
P.S. Thank you so much for commenting, It means a lot that you did!
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