Rather than do a “daily stone” as I used to do, I have just decided to make up 12 (or so) stones with various quotes that are profound to me. (I have made a couple of “duplicates” because the quotes are too good to just make one stone out of them!!) – There is really no purpose for these stones other then to hopefully make someone’s day, and pass on a message that I think is profound.
To the finders of these stones, please feel free to comment on this blog (I would really like it if you did!!) And do what you’d like with your stone (keep it, re-plant it, give it to a friend…)
I am not sure when I will make more stones and plant them next, but I will do it again one of these days (School is starting up again, and I am taking a full course load, so it might be tough to find the time to make them…)
None the less, thanks for picking up my stone, take care!