Monday, August 25, 2008

It's been awhile...

It’s been awhile since I have made or planted any stones around the city. However, since I am on break from school and almost everything else from my chaotic life is rather “quiet” (and since I don’t have cable) I figured that it would be cool to plant a couple of stones around the city in hopes that people find them and derive something from the quotes on them…

Rather than do a “daily stone” as I used to do, I have just decided to make up 12 (or so) stones with various quotes that are profound to me. (I have made a couple of “duplicates” because the quotes are too good to just make one stone out of them!!) – There is really no purpose for these stones other then to hopefully make someone’s day, and pass on a message that I think is profound.

To the finders of these stones, please feel free to comment on this blog (I would really like it if you did!!) And do what you’d like with your stone (keep it, re-plant it, give it to a friend…)

I am not sure when I will make more stones and plant them next, but I will do it again one of these days (School is starting up again, and I am taking a full course load, so it might be tough to find the time to make them…)

None the less, thanks for picking up my stone, take care!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Stone 32 - The "Cure for Bordom Stone"

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."

-E. Parr

The world is far too big and beautiful of a place to be bored...

Sometimes I have to remind myself of this when I begin to feel boredom. I have to remind myself that I should pick up a book, go for a walk or even watch something on TV in my bored state...Until I know absolutely everything, there is no excuse for my boredom...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Stone 31 - The "Children Stone"

"Children require guidance and sympathy far more then instruction."

-A. SullivanPerhaps the message on today's stone seems obvious, however looking deeper into the meaning it makes a lot of sense...I think It's hard to realize that kids are people too. -- They have their own thoughts and opinions and personalities! Although they lack life experience and wisdom, rather then instructing them on how to be, we should encourage them to be themselves, and guide them when they stray from their path...
That being said, I must admit that I don't have kid's myself, however my sister is expecting her first child in March, so in a few months I will have a kid in my life. I can hardly wait to meet him or her, and watch him or her grow and become the person that they are...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Stone #30 The "Smile because it happened" stone

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

-Dr. Seuss

For some strange reason I was thinking of an old friend today, and I got sad...

The friend that I am speaking of is no longer that special confidant that I had for so many years. Although I have blocked him out of my mind and rarely think about him anymore, sometimes he still manages to sneak into my thoughts every once in awhile, and I begin to miss him dearly...

(In my situation, this friend and I tried to force a romance that just wasn't there, it got messy and we are nothing more then strangers to one another...)

None the less, when I start to miss this person, and wish that he was around to exchange witty text messages and pointless conversations with, I remind myself that I am not the same person that I used to be, and that the chapter of my life with him in it has ended...

Although I miss my friend sometimes, I also smile at the joy he brought to my life for that time that we were buddies...

This stone is dedicated to good old memories with all of the people that I have them with!


Monday, October 1, 2007

Stone #29 The "Dream Stone"

"Nothing Happens unless we first dream."

Carl Sandberg

Ahh, my messy apartment! -- I used to dream of this hectic life I have (Even though I complain about it more then I should...)

I remember about six years ago, when I was living well below the poverty line with my ex-boyfriend that I used to dream about this life I am leading now...I wanted nothing more then to live in a decent apartment, with cable and a phone and half-decent furniture and a little bit of food in the fridge...

All I wanted, was to be able to come home, drop my keys on the counter and actually feel like I was at home (rather then some slummy, little bug infested one bedroom apartment that I 'survived' in...) -- Although it's not a gigantic dream, and it may even seem foolish, that was my dream six years ago, and low and behold I am living it!!

Now, my dreams are bigger. I want so much more out of life (and I am not just talking material things either) I want to educate myself. I want to see the world, and I want to actually have some sort of meaning in this world...Sounds cheesy, but so did my last dream...

Never stop dreaming, and ALWAYS appreciate the dreams that come true (even if they are small!)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Stone #28 - The "Legacy Stone"

"What cannot be achieved in one life-time will happen when one life-time is joined to another."

H. Koshner

Sometimes I get really demanding with certain things (most things...) I tend to be the kind of person that wants immediate results...

I guess when I sit back and look at all of the good things in life, I realize that EVERYTHING worth having, knowing, being (etc) takes time. Not all of the 'good things' I want out of this life are going to happen, but I can still contribute and work at making them happen...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Stone #27 - The "Courage Stone'

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says; I will try again tomorrow!"

-M. A. Radmacher
I am so BOMBARDED and OVERWHELMED with school and work. There is a part of me that just wants to throw in the towel and resume living my old, ignorant life...
However, there is this little voice in my head (possibly in my soul) that keeps telling me to press on. I have ALWAYS been a quitter, opting for the easy way out of things. Yet there is something
different this time...
Undertaking this new life (school, work, living in student-poverty) was hard. It took a lot of courage for me to let go of the comfortably mundane life I lead, in exchange for this one. But I am determined to see this endeavor through, no matter how hard it is...