Ahh, my messy apartment! -- I used to dream of this hectic life I have (Even though I complain about it more then I should...)
I remember about six years ago, when I was living well below the poverty line with my ex-boyfriend that I used to dream about this life I am leading now...I wanted nothing more then to live in a decent apartment, with cable and a phone and half-decent furniture and a little bit of food in the fridge...
All I wanted, was to be able to come home, drop my keys on the counter and actually feel like I was at home (rather then some slummy, little bug infested one bedroom apartment that I 'survived' in...) -- Although it's not a gigantic dream, and it may even seem foolish, that was my dream six years ago, and low and behold I am living it!!
Now, my dreams are bigger. I want so much more out of life (and I am not just talking material things either) I want to educate myself. I want to see the world, and I want to actually have some sort of meaning in this world...Sounds cheesy, but so did my last dream...
Never stop dreaming, and ALWAYS appreciate the dreams that come true (even if they are small!)
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