For some strange reason I was thinking of an old friend today, and I got sad...
The friend that I am speaking of is no longer that special confidant that I had for so many years. Although I have blocked him out of my mind and rarely think about him anymore, sometimes he still manages to sneak into my thoughts every once in awhile, and I begin to miss him dearly...
(In my situation, this friend and I tried to force a romance that just wasn't there, it got messy and we are nothing more then strangers to one another...)
None the less, when I start to miss this person, and wish that he was around to exchange witty text messages and pointless conversations with, I remind myself that I am not the same person that I used to be, and that the chapter of my life with him in it has ended...
Although I miss my friend sometimes, I also smile at the joy he brought to my life for that time that we were buddies...
This stone is dedicated to good old memories with all of the people that I have them with!
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